White Turquoise Pastel Parrotlet

White Turquoise Pastel Parrotlet


The white turquoise pastel can be described as one of the most beautiful parrotlets we sell. This pastel color mutation can be placed at the top of the list. It can come with lacewing which will make it even more beautiful in its appearance and plumage.

It is described as this, white with a very light pastel wash throughout the whole bird. The head will have more of a yellowish pastel color. Also along the edge of the flight wings, it can be darker along the tips. Usually a darker turquoise, which is outlined very nicely by the marble effect on the flight wings. The longer plumage shades off from light in color to medium in color to a darker color outlining each and every feather.

The white turquoise pastel is the lightest in color that has the turquoise color in it. We can see now that most breeders of the pastel birds have this variety. We have not seen any double factor white turquoise pastels yet. Xtreem Parrotlets are now breeding this type of mutation. They will soon be available for purchase to breeders and pet lovers alike.

This particular pastel mutation colors up very nicely as it ages. By the time it reaches one year of age, the plumage noticeably changes. By the time it reaches two years old, it has reached is color potential with excellent plumage to show what the pastel color mutation is known for. Once mature, a distinct marbling effect on the back wings showing off the pastel beautiful plumage will appear.

We have added the pastel mutation line to our breeding program. This line will increase the high-end availability of these absolutely stunning and beautiful parrotlets mutations to the Xtreem Parrotlets bloodline. All of our Parrotlet mutations are bred by Billy XTREEM. You can view pastel parrotlets for sale on our website. Just click on pastel parrotlets or just click on our picture gallery and scroll down to pastel parrotlets to view the most beautiful pastel parrotlets you have ever seen. We hope this article has been of a help to you. Thank you for your interest Xtreem Parrotlets.

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