Cobalt Cinnamon Fallow Pied Misty

The Cobalt Cinnamon Fallow Pied Mutation “Misty”


The cobalt cinnamon fallow pied “Misty” which is not easily recognized and has evidence of underpinnings of genes.

The cobalt cinnamon fallow pied “Misty” parrotlet is not to be confused with any other parrotlet.  The genetics are complex and unique to this bird. Just a handful of breeders in the UK and Thailand along with us at Xtreem Parrotlets even possess these rare birds. In other words, the real cobalt cinnamon fallow pied are far and few and very difficult get in the USA.

In spite of what some US breeders claim, this parrotlet is not a Pastel. In the Pastel, the Melanin color is reduced in the feathers.  With the cobalt cinnamon fallow pied “Misty”  mutation the gene factor manipulates all other genes and produces cobalt and cinnamon.

Xtreem Parrotlets has been working on this unique bird for approximately two years. We’re also working on creating a fixed line to produce the cobalt cinnamon fallow pied “Misty”. We have created cobalt cinnamon turquoise fallow pied “Misty” which is show case below. Although the turquoise version was difficult to create,  We are now test breeding the Cobalt Cinnamon Fallow Pied “Misty” with colors that are appropriate for such a fine and rare mutation.

See More Xtreem Parrotlets

Cobalt Cinnamon Turquoise Fallow Pied Mutation “Misty”

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Cobalt Cinnamon Fallow Pied MistyCobalt Cinnamon Fallow Pied “Misty” – Female

Cobalt Blue Fallow Pied Misty MaleCobalt Blue Fallow Pied Misty, Male

Cobalt Cinnamon Fallow PiedCobalt Cinnamon Fallow Pied “Misty” – Females

Cobalt Cinnamon Turquoise Fallow Pied
Cobalt Cinnamon Turquoise Fallow Pied “Misty”